Keys. Need a key expertly copied? Intown still does it the old-fashioned way……by hand! From home to padlock to cars and trucks, we can duplicate most keys, including automotive chip and laser cut keys, usually at a fraction of the price charged by car dealers. We also re-key most Schlage and Kwikset locksets.
Glass/Plexiglass. Intown will cut to your specifications, our single-strength (up to 36” x 48”) and double-strength glass (up to 32” x 48”), as well as plexiglass (up to 48” x 72”).
Sharpening. We sharpen most straight edge knives, blades and garden shears. Drop off anytime. Turn-around time is usually less than a week.
Deliveries. We can arrange for local delivery of most items.
Please stop in or call for details, including pricing.
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